Course Description

Award-winning actor, critically acclaimed solo show performer and speaker Brenda Adelman teaches performers and entrepreneurs how to put their story and talent on stage for creative expression, making an impact and creating opportunities.

She shares her proven SHOW Success System,

Brenda Adelman

Forgiveness and Storytelling Expert

Brenda has traveled the world presenting her life story in a one-woman stage show (My Brooklyn Hamlet), speaking on the message of her story (forgiveness and using our stories to live on purpose) and leading self-forgiveness workshops and story workshops for audiences as diverse as women prisoners, youth-at-risk, the US military, for peace centers, grad students and spiritual communities. Brenda's been nominated for awards, won awards (Best Actress, Hero of Forgiveness award from The Hawaii International Forgiveness Project ) and she's a critically acclaimed performer. Her show was a Critic's Pick at the International theatre festivals. (Los Angeles, Orlando, San Diego) She's been interviewed on over 200 podcasts, radio shows, publications, network & local TV including Fox TV News and NPR

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to the 7 Steps to Create a Successful One-Person Show

    • Welcome Storyteller!

    • Trailer of Brenda Adelman's Story on Stage: One-Woman Show, My Brooklyn Hamlet

    • Get Your Bonus Lessons Here

  • 2

    The 7 Steps to Creating a Successful One-Person Show

    • Step 1: Finding Your Passionate Message - Becoming the Hero of Your Story

    • Step 1 Video Training

    • Step 2: Doing Your Inner Work

    • Step 2 Video Training

    • Step 3: Crafting Your Story to Be Hired

    • Step 3 Video Training

    • Step 4: Performing and Presenting Your Material

    • Step 4 Video Training

    • Step 5: Rewrite and Rehearse

    • Step 5 Video Training

    • Step 6: Promoting Your Show

    • Step 6 Video Training

    • Step 7: Overdelivering to Be Unforgettable

    • Step 7 Video Training

  • 3

    Special Offer/ Next Step and Bonuses

    • How to Get Your Solo-Show Produced in NYC with No Contacts, No Referrals and Living Out-of- State

    • Create, Promote and Profit with a One-Person Show (aka Your Story and Your Talent On Stage) Master Training